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上海嘉鹏科技有限公司·更新于2023-11-27 10:14:05·67次访问
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  上海嘉鹏科技有限公司综合内外秀生化实验设备制造经验独生产的SZ-Ⅱ自动纯水蒸馏器 ,进行系统详解,可快速查询产品的新报价、图片、技术参数,或者进行产品性能比较,使用非常方便。


I. Overview:
SZ-Ⅱ automatic water distiller mainly used for the chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, biochemistry, scientific research units of the laboratory-made with distilled water, the main material are made from high quality glass, distilled water in the production process does not contact with any metal, heaters the use of quartz glass. In the first, second and third in the distillation process, there is overheating, water shortages, power protection devices to achieve the function of automatic distillation.
Second, SZ-Ⅱ automatic water distiller for use:
Before use in the apparatus, first of all inspection equipment parts, power part of the circuit connection is correct, after the end of the trial, please cut off power supply to ensure safety.
(1) to the flask and Condenser Horizontal and water, and ground magnetic float coat the mouth, steaming water connector and catheter installed, tightened their set screws tight, the rubber hose and gasket sets of quartz heating tube inserted mode of distillation, the fastening nut, the heating tube sign power supply cord into the outlet in the apparatus. Condenser temperature controller to an intermediate outer bottle, the reed switch in the catheter insertion.
(2) SZ-Ⅲ Automatic water distiller, first of all, open the tap water until the excess water from the beginning of distilled water exports out of overflow devices, when cross-type distillation bottle after the water level to half height, (top) by C "switch" light is bright, equipment (middle) B half of the high water level, press B indicator light, if not bright, repeated calibration is adjusted reed switch position, enter the second distillation apparatus; three distilled water into the flask in Horizontal (bottom) half of the high water level, press A switch, indicator light, when the beginning of the third distillation, after the change with the high and low water level can enter a state of normal auto-distillation.
SZ-Ⅱ automatic water distiller, to be a cross-type distillation bottle after the water level to half of the high (top) by B "switch" light is light, into the heating apparatus, and the beginning of distillation. Distilled water into the secondary distillation Horizontal bottle. Landscape to be the second distillation flask in the water level to reach half the height of press after (bottom) labeled A "switch" instruction bright, if not bright, repeated calibration is adjusted reed switch position. This is after the start of the second distillation as the level of changes in water level can be distilled into the normal working state automatically.
SZ-Ⅰ automatic water distiller, first of all, open the tap water until the excess water from the beginning of distilled water exports out of overflow devices, when cross-type distillation bottle after the water level to half height, according to "switch" light is light, apparatus to enter the heating, and the beginning of distillation.
(3) overheating Condenser: temperature controller will cut off the supply of electric shock. Condenser temperature to be lowered, the equipment will be automatically connected to power.
(4) In operation, the alignment and the magnetic reed switch with the position of the float should be to reduce the water level, whichever is automatically cut off power supply to achieve the purpose of automatic water level should be repeated reed switch off electrical calibration sensitivity.
(5) SZ-Ⅱ automatic water distiller maintenance
Distillation scale in a period of time to accumulate in the landscape on the flask and the quartz heating tube in the face of it, the need for cleansing, but do not require tube removed. Power must be cut off after a small amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid, diluted with water into a bottle of hydrochloric acid. A few minutes later, by the device to release the water level, wash several times with tap water until clean so far.

上海嘉鹏科技有限公司,成立于1998年6月,是一家专注于生命科学和分析化学领域的**型企业。凭借雄厚的技术与研发实力,公司已拥有国家砖利、著作权等二十多项,产品通过欧盟CE认证、ISO9001:2008质量体系认证。 目前,公司已形成超微量核酸蛋白测定仪、化学发光成像系统、凝胶成像分析系统、紫外分析仪、核酸蛋白检测仪、紫外检测仪、蛋白质分离纯化系统、光化学反应仪、旋涡混合器、恒流泵、自动部分收集器等十几个产品系列。公司在国内各地均设立了渠道代理商,同时面向100多个国家和地区,以国际化的前瞻视野,打造嘉鹏品牌。 面对未来,上海嘉鹏始终坚持“践行科技**,造国产好仪器”的理念,不断超越,矢志不渝的为提升客户价值而努力,致力国产仪器更大的发展。
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