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SS150W 全反射太阳模拟器
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上海莱比信仪器仪表科技发展有限公司·更新于2024-02-03 17:04:54·59次访问
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SS150 - AAA 150W 全反射太阳模拟器 --- AA

标准:: AAA
目标尺寸: 50mm (2”) 直径
工作距离: 760mm (31”) ± 25mm (1”)
准直: 2.5°半宽角度
供电: SCI 500-150
光谱范围 180 - 4400 nm


150W 无臭氧疝气弧光灯


空气滤波器76x76mm (3"x3")


Labsun is an international export and consulting company for high-end equipment and system in the areas of life science, pharmacy, medicine, materials science and the environment. She specializes in the Asian and North American markets focusing on China and the USA. Labsun acts as the intermediary and consultant to the manufacturers from Europe (especially from Germany) and the customers in the markets. She provides not only the marketing and technical scheme support, but also the export and international transfer procedures, such as, customs clearance. Our equipments are widely used in universities, research institutes, authorities, hospitals or commercial and industrial enterprises. Labsun China was founded in Beijing in 2006 and is responsible for the Asian market. She owns a complete sales and customer service system over the whole China and has subsidiaries/offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou of China. In addition, she has sales and service agents/staff in more than ten of other Chinese important cities. Labsun USA was founded in New York in 2012 and is responsible for the company's operations in North America, especially the USA. She is playing an important role in the triangular business construction of the Labsun's European, North American and Asian businesses. Labsun Group supports her partners/manufacturers in overcoming the linguistic and cultural barriers, mediating between them and the customers and enjoys the full trust from both sides. Labsun is gradually approaching her goal of "The most trusted specialist for equipment and systems made in Germany". Our Success – Your Benefit By the continuous and effective marketing effect over more than ten years, both the Labsun Group and the product brands she presented have already gained wide recognition and acceptance. Trust us, your success! Labsun Expertise in Export Our collective experts in Germany and China are well-known of international law, country-specific regulations, framework conditions as well as the respective cultural. This is of great importance for our export processing of customs and foreign trade regulations offering the most possibility for the quick and flexible respond to your export wishes at any time. We will be pleased to clarify customs duties for you and take over the processing of customs services such as customs declaration, to communicate with authorities by providing export documentation necessary for goods transportation across the border. Service and technical support Labsun has her own complete sales and customer service team in China and the USA offering comprehensive pre- and after-sales services. She also provides the end-users with varies of strong technical support, including technical solutions, equipment installation, troubleshooting as well as instrument maintenances etc., remotely or in-situ LABSUN-DEASD (The Division of Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences Development)is responsible for LABSUN’s meteorology and environmental related business. We concentrate on the state-of-the-art and calibration-level of meteorological and environmental products/sensors/systems.
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