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科慕Chemours Vertrel XF清洗剂
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上海锐一环保科技有限公司·更新于2022-01-29 09:47:04·110次访问
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Vertrel  XF specialty fluid

DuPont  Vertrel  XF specialty fluid is a proprietary hydrofluorocarbon fluid with zero ozone-depletion potential. Vertrel  XF is ideally suited for use in vapor degreasing equipment for cleaning, rinsing, and drying, in addition to some specialty applications including use in co-solvent systems. Vertrel  XF is used to replace current hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) and perfluorocarbon (PFC) fluids in most applications. Vertrel  XF forms the base for most of the Vertrel  product line.


Vertrel  XF is widely used for the following applications:
Carrier Fluid/Lubricant Deposition
Drying/Rinsing Agent
Heat Transfer Fluid
High-Voltage Dielectrics
Optics Cleaning
Particulate/Ionic Removal
Precision Cleaning
Compatibility and Soils
Vertrel  XF is compatible with most plastics and elastomers. Vertrel  can be used to clean a wide variety of soils including cutting oils, gear oils, heavy greases, hydraulic oils, stamping oils, vacuum oils, waxes, and mineral oils.

Environmental Properties

Vertrel  XF has zero ozone-depletion potential. It is used extensively to replace CFC-113, methyl chloroform, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs) in several applications.
Vertrel  XF has been accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program as a substitute for ozone-depleting substances. Vertrel  XF (HFC 43-10mee) is exempt from classification as a volatile  chemical (VOC) by the EPA. Vertrel  XF is also VOC compliant under the California South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) regulations, which require VOC content less than 50 g/L of solvent. Vertrel  XF is not a hazardous air pollutant (HAP) and is, therefore, not subject to NESHAP regulations. Vertrel  XF is not included in the SARA Title III Section 313 list of toxic chemicals, and is not subject to SARA Title III (EPCRA) reporting requirements.
The components of Vertrel  XF are listed in the TSCA inventory. One component, HFC-43-10mee, is subject to the Significant New Use Rule (SNUR) and should be used only in the applications indicated in the  Vertrel  XF MSDS regulatory section.
Vertrel  XF is listed in ASTM G93, "Standard Practice for Cleaning Methods and Cleanliness Levels for Material and Equipment Used in Oxygen-Enriched Environments."   It evaporates quickly at room temperature making it easy to remove from narrow pipe, valves, and heat exchangers.   It is excellent for "on the job" field use.  In many instances, Vertrel  XF will significantly increase cleaning process productivity when compared with aqueous cleaners.  Vertrel  XF is compatible with commonly used metallic and nonmetallic materials.

Flammability and Toxicity

Vertrel  XF is nonflammable and does not become flammable during boiling or evaporation. It exhibits no open- or closed-cup flash point, and is not classified as a flammable liquid by NFPA or DOT. It is thermally stable to 300°C (572°F) and does not oxidize or degrade during storage. Vertrel  XF has passed the LOX impact test (NHB 8060.1).
Acute toxicity studies show that Vertrel  XF has low toxicity. It is a slight skin and eye irritant and has low inhalation toxicity. For details of exposure limits please refer to the Vertrel  XF brochure.


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