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DP减压阀 进口阀门常用减压阀
DP减压阀 进口阀门常用减压阀
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  • DP减压阀

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  • 上海市

上海正阀机电有限公司·更新于2022-05-27 07:05:44·161次访问
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Pilot operated DP
The Spirax Sarco DP series of pressure reducing valves will
accuray control downstream pressure, regardless of the
upstream pressure, or load variations.
These are recommended for medium duty or process type
applications, branch lines to OEM equipment, for accurate process
control or where an external interface or remote adjustment is
required. This versatile and compact valve will provide an efficient
and economic solution to many pressure reduction solutions.
Suitable for steam, air or industrial gases, the DP series offers
a wide range of control options.
The DP27 is Spirax Sarco’s top selling pilot operated steam
pressure reducing valve. It combines high accurate control with
increased resilience to harsh operating environments, easier
servicing and simpler selection.
Technical specification
Sizes Screwed ½" to 2"
Flanged DN15 to DN80
Screwed BSP and NPT
End connections PN16, PN25 and PN40
Flanged ASME (ANSI) 150 and 300
JIS / KS 10 and JIS / KS 20
DP27 SG iron
Body DP143 Cast steel
DP163 Stainless steel
Maximum temperature 350°C
Maximum body PN40
design rating
Control pressure range 0.2 to 24 bar
DP27 Metal-to-metal seat suitable for
DP143 steam and compressed air
DP27E With electric solenoid for remote on/off control
DP27G Soft seat for tight shut-off. Suitable for
DP143G compressed air and industrial gases
DP163G (not oxygen)
Options DP143H High temperature version suitable for
temperatures up to 350°C
DP27T With additional temperature control
for use with hot water storage calorifiers
DP27R With an air driven pilot remote adjustment
of the set point
DPP27E With two pilots and electric solenoid
For further technical information,
search our website using product designation DP27, DP143 or DP163




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