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  • 广州市

广州市万通通风设备有限公司·更新于2023-03-04 13:49:48·112次访问
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  • 03 服务特色
  • 不锈钢4-72A/D型离心通风机

  • Stainless steel 4-72A/D centrifugal fan

    Stainless steel 4-72A/D centrifugal fan can transport air, non spontaneous gas, harmless gas. and non-corrosive gas Gas does not allow the sticky materian theconcentration of containing dust and nard particles isnot larger than 150mg!m3 The gas temperatureshould not exceed 80℃. The fan is widely used inthe ventilation of industrial and mining enterprises, large bulldings. hotels and other indoor places.
    Product type: The company has NO1, 2.5, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.6, 6, 7.1. It can be made into two types: right-handed and left-handed. The impeller rotates clockwise and is called a right-handed fan. Expressed as "right", the impeller rotates counterclockwise, called the left-handed fan, and is represented by "left". The exit position of the fan is expressed by the air outlet angle of the casing. 4-72(No)2-7.1 is made in various types at the factory, and can be installed to the required position according to the requirements of the unit of use. That is, the position of the air outlet is adjusted from 0° to 225°, and the interval is 22.5° or 45°. There are six types (0°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, 225°). The fan is driven in the A mode. Structural features: The fan is mainly composed of an impeller, a casing, an air inlet, a motor plate and the like with a direct-connected motor. Impeller: consists of 10 rear-tilted airfoil blades, curved front discs and flat rear discs. After dynamic balance correction and aerodynamic performance, it has the characteristics of balanced operation, small vibration, high efficiency and long service life. Housing: welded with a steel plate into a volute casing. Air inlet: made into a whole (all mold molding), installed on the side of the fan, the axially parallel wear surface has no curved shape, which enables the gas to smoothly enter the impeller with less loss.
机 号
转 速
功 率
Poles frame size-p
流 量
全 压
Total pressure(pa)
2.5A 2900 0.75-2 80M-2 805-1677 792-483
2.8A 2900 1.5-2 90S-2 1131-2356 994-606
3.2A 2900 2.2-2 90L-2 1688-3517 1300-792
1450 1.1-4 90S-4 844-1758 324-198
3.6A 2900 3.0-2 100L-2 2664-5268 1578-989
1450 1.1-4 90S-4 1332-2634 393-247
4A 2900 5.5-2 132S-2 4012-7419 2014-1320
1450 1.1-4 90S-4 2006-3709 501-329
4.5A 2900 7.5-2 132S-2 5712-10562 2554-1571
1450 1.1-4 90S-4 2856-5281 634-416
5A 2900 15.0-2 160M-2 7728-15455 3187-2019
1450 2.2-4 100L-4 3864-7728 790-502
5.6A 1450 3.0-4 100L-4 7061-9885 957-759
6A 1450 4.0-4 112M-4 6677-13353 1139-724
960 1.5-6 100L-6 4420-8841 498-317
6.3A 1450 5.5-4 132S-4 8052-13028 1239-921
960 1.5-6 100L-6 5331-8626 542-403
7.1A 1450 11.0-4 160M-4 12676-20513 1572-1168
960 3.0-6 132S-6 8392-13581 689-512
6D 1450 4.0-4 112M-4 6677-13353 1572-1168
960 1.5-6 100L-66 4420-8841 498-317
8D 1450 18.5-4 180M-4 15826-29344 2032-1490
960 5.5-6 132M-6 10478-19428 887-651
730 3.0-8 132M-8 7968-14773 512-376
10D 1450 55-4 250M-4 40441-56605 3202-2532
960 18.5-6 200L-6 26775-37476 1395-1104
730 7.5-8 160L-8 20360-28497 805-637
12D 960 45.0-6 280S-6 46267-64759 2013-1593
730 18.5-8 225S-8 35182-49244 1160-919

外形及安装尺寸示意图 Lnstallation size diagram


产品为人工实物测量会有一定误差,相关数据仅作参考,以收到的实物为准。 单位Unit: mm(毫米)

进风口尺寸 Air inlet 出风口尺寸 Vent
NO D1 D2 D3 螺栓 个数 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 a*b c*d n1-d1
2.5 248 280 309 M6 8 209 237 266 171 200 228 79*3 100*2 10-Φ11
2.8 282 310 333 M6 8 228 259 286 200 228 260 64*4 77*3 14-Φ11
3.2 325 252 370 M6 6 255 286 313 218 247 280 74*4 84*3 14-Φ11
3.6 368 387 413 M8 16 294 324 352 250 278 310 81*4 70*4 16-Φ11
4 409 437 460 M8 16 329 360 388 285 315 340 72*5 79*4 18-Φ11
4.5 446 492 515 M8 16 363 395 422 320 348 380 78*5 88*4 18-Φ11
5 500 540 565 M8 16 405 435 464 356 384 416 109*4 97*4 18-Φ11
5.6 562 593 624 M8 16 450 497 531 370 422 485 80*6 88*5 18-Φ11
6 603 640 660 M8 16 483 532 563 427 478 508 106.4*5 95.6*5 20-Φ11
6.3 640 667 698 M8 16 494 542 566 441 485 509 108*5 97*5 20-Φ11
7.1 730 755 795 M8 16 568 621 662 497 554 593 125*5 110*5 20-Φ11

外形及安装尺寸 Shape and installation dimensions
Model G M F L N K E a b a1 b1 d2
2.5 416 520 171 450 320 175 88 200 225 260 250 Φ10
2.8 477 600 210 480 350 197 174 100 256 320 280 Φ10
3.2 546 670 236 530 400 230 195 110 255 340 280 Φ10
3.6 599 752 253 600 450 253 222 123 275 360 300 Φ10
4 680 810 295 700 500 312 251 140 370 410 406 Φ10
4.5 756 925 327 733 570 354 312 157 370 430 406 Φ12
5 825 1040 343 860 625 354 354 175 440 530 480 Φ12
5.6 916 1130 384 746 680 390 394 196 380 500 430 Φ12
6 980 1210 408 740 745 420 385 210 375 450 420 Φ12
6.3 1017 1300 432 915 790 440 411 220 480 630 520 Φ15
7.1 1202 1450 522 1040 880 795 500 252 440 700 490 Φ15

广州市万通通风设备有限公司,商标“万通星风”在2009年成立,是一家拥有丰富的产品研发、生产、销售、安装通风设备、废气污染防治环保设备的多元化专业性企业。产品广泛适用于电镀、化工、医院、实验室、冶炼、皮革、纸业等配套以及各种含有腐蚀性气体的场合。产品各地及海内外,是广东地区具有规模化的玻璃钢风机,废气净化设备专业生产制造的环保品牌企业。 万通风机 · 公司理念企业人才观能者上,平者让,庸者下企业目标力争行业技术赢领,进行品牌革新建设企业宗旨以人为本、求真务实、继承创新企业精神万通人,勤劳之魂,拥有浩瀚胸襟,成就广阔事业
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