参考价 ¥ 28000
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上海传昊仪器有限公司·更新于2023-11-18 10:50:46·81次访问
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LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测 





GS-300 natural gas calorific value analyzer (computer integrated machine)

product advantage: 

1.GS-300 natural gas calorific value analyzer (computer integrated machine) is developed by Shanghai Chuan Hao independently designed and produced by the new special gas chromatograph. It is suitable for the analysis of natural gas and the determination of the calorific value. It is one of the few enterprises and products to measure the calorific value of natural gas in China. It is the first class product of natural gas calorific value analysis in China. 

2., the instrument will make significant innovations in chromatograph, and make use of the new design to integrate the conventional hydrogen generator, chromatographic workstation and chromatograph host, improving the integration of electronic circuits, making the instrument smaller and more precise. Coupled with a reliable and good gas circuit and circuit, the machine is turned into a high end of a new type of gas calorific value special type with a new chromatograph with industrial computers. Stable valve control gas circuit, highly integrated circuit control, coupled with its own research and development of calorific value software, has created a brand new China core and completed the transformation made in China to China. It is the leading manufacturer of chromatograph in China.

LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测 



3. simple machine operation is simple, stable, reliable, starting and stable time is short, breakthrough the shortcomings of the traditional chromatograph waiting time long. It can automatically memorize the operating parameters and do not need to reset the machine. With gas protection system, prevent the misoperation caused by the damage of the instrument. The gas path is modified, and the system adopts a high-precision valve structure, which improves the stability of the gas speed of the instrument, resulting in a good reproducible analysis result, which eliminates the trouble that users want to modify parameters.

4. the content of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, methane, ethane, propane, isobutane, n-butane, isopentane and n-pentane in natural gas can be analyzed. It can also accuray calculate the heat value of natural gas, white number, density and so on through the content of each component. 5. Shanghai Hao, I believe the strength of the brand, this will be your best choice in the selection of natural gas analyzer, now the company has formed a company direct sales and dealer agent sales model, in Hebei, Tianjin, Shanghai, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Tangshan and the northwest of the multi area marketing strategy. The huge agent scale and the perfect after-sales service system are prerequisites for the high-end industry. I believe you will feel more comfortable with the "Chuan Hao" instrument, because we only know you best.



LNGCNG分析仪器 天燃气分析 热值检测 


  天然气蕴藏在地下约3000— 4000米之多孔隙岩层中,主要成分为甲烷,比重0.65,比空气轻,具有无色、无味、无毒之特性, 天然气公司皆遵照政府规定添加臭剂,以资用户嗅辨。


LNGCNG分析仪器电脑一体机 天燃气分析 LNGCNG分析仪器电脑一体机 天燃气分析 

上海传昊仪器有限公司是一家集气相色谱仪、液化气二甲醚分析仪、液化气氮气分析仪、分析型液相色谱仪、天然气色谱分析仪、高压气体发生器研发,生产与销售分析仪器为一体的。公司拥有一批高技术,高素质人才,在色谱仪的研制、生产方面有着强大的优势,充分发掘利用上海三十多年来在气相色谱技术方面的科研成果及生产经验。以的工艺、可靠的性能、优质的服务、逐步生产出高性能、智能化的GC、LC系列,贡献于社会。企业宗旨:质量是根本 服务是生命,口号:源于用心 精工铸艺 服务社会。   目前,本公司主要产品有:气相色谱仪、液相色谱仪;TVOC热解仪;微量硫、磷检测仪;专用色谱仪;气体发生器;工作站等系列产品。功能齐全,性能优越。可广泛应用于石油化工、生物医药、食品、卫生、环保等诸多分析领域。   公司的发展得到了专家,用户和同仁的关心和支持,公司的明天更需要你们的信任和爱护,公司全体员工将坚持不懈,与时俱进,用我们的努力换取你们较大的满意。   这里,多提一点的是,公司的产品天然气分析仪,是经过了多名老资历,历时2年研发并试验且量产的针对的天然气的热值、组分、密度和气化率等参数的一款高技术含量的产品。
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