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苏州安峰环保技术有限公司·更新于2023-12-24 20:53:04·57次访问
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苏州安峰环保技术有限公司成立于2009年11月,位于国际的苏州工业园区内。公司依托长三角环保技术聚集高地的优势,深入研究,不断创新。目前自主研发国内非均相臭氧催化氧化技术,针对高盐环境下高效降低COD提供了有效的途径。目前,该技术应用于电子半导体、新能源和化工、医疗制药、食品饮料、汽车制造,机械加工等领域。  2012年,公司依托标准化的服务体系获得的制冷设备“益美高”EVAPCO全面的水处理战略合作伙伴关系。2020年,2012年,公司依托标准化的服务体系获得的制冷设备“益美高”EVAPCO全面的水处理战略合作伙伴关系。  2020年,安峰环保与威立雅正式签署战略合作协议,双方将在污水处理技术领域开展深度合作,安峰企业为威立雅水务技术公司中国的产品/装置的经销商。将双方的合作扩展到工业制造、新能源、医疗制药、半导体等领域,几乎覆盖安峰企业全产业链。  我们秉承了的行业理念,不断引进和开发各类环保。荣获22项水处理专业证书及实用新型,获得国家“ 企业证书”称号。同时,获得“建筑机电安装工程专业承包叁级”及“环保工程专业承包叁级”资质。我们在污水处理、中水回用、废气处理等方面,提供专业、高效的整体解决方案,致力于成为环保服务的。Suzhou AnFeng Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd,established in November 2009, is located in the internationally renowned Suzhou Industrial Park. Relying on the advantages of environmental protection technology in the Yangtze River Delta, the company makes in-depth research and continuous innovation. At present, independent research and development of domestic leading heterogeneous ozone catalytic oxidation technology provides an effective way to effectively reduce COD in high salt environment. At present, the technology is applied in the fields of electronic semiconductor, new energy and chemical industry, Medical Pharmacy, food and beverage, auto manufacturing, mechanical processing, etc.In 2012, relying on the standardized service system, the company won the comprehensive water treatment strategic partnership of "yimeigao" evapco, the world's most advanced refrigeration equipment. In 2020 and 2012, relying on the standardized service system, the company won the comprehensive water treatment strategic partnership of "yimeigao" evapco, the world's most advanced refrigeration equipment.In 2020, Anfeng environmental protection and Veolia formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the field of sewage treatment technology. Anfeng enterprise is the authorized distributor of products / devices of Veolia Water Technology Company in China. The cooperation between the two sides will be extended to industrial manufacturing, new energy, Medical Pharmacy, semiconductor and other fields, covering almost the whole industrial chain of Anfeng enterprises.We uphold the international advanced industry concept, and constantly introduce and develop all kinds of environmental protection high-tech. It won 22 water treatment professional certificates and utility model patents, and won the title of national "high tech enterprise certificate". At the same time, it has obtained the qualification of "grade 3 professional contracting of construction mechanical and electrical installation engineering" and "grade 3 professional contracting of environmental protection engineering". We provide professional and efficient overall solutions in sewage treatment, reclaimed water reuse and waste gas treatment, and are committed to becoming the industry benchmark of environmental protection services.企业文化 company culture:安峰愿景:做水处理服务Vision: to be the benchmark for water treatment service安峰使命:为企业用水保驾护航,减少污染,创造价值Mission: to escort for corporate water utilization, to reduce pollution and create value安峰价值观:正直坦诚、诚信公平、激情奋斗、团结创新、感恩分享、拥抱变化Value: Integrity and Sincerity, Honesty and Fairness, Passionate work, Unity and Innovation, Grateful share, Embracing changes业务范围:business scope:工业废水中水回用工程工业废气处理循环水处理系统改造及升级服务
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