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上海中石化阀门制造有限公司·更新于2024-01-26 12:48:32·30次访问
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Adopt the piston stop water ring structure of double seal ring, it can be divided into upstream repair seal and downstream working seal. The sealing ring is arranged in the upstream and downstream sealing positions of the ring spool, and the piston stop ring is pressed to achieve sealing through the hydraulic system. When the ball valve is normally closed, the downstream working seal is closed to stop water smoothly, while when the downstream working seal is repaired or replaced, the upstream maintenance seal is closed and locked by the mechanical locking device.
The operating mechanism is a hydraulic operating mechanism (straight cylinder relay), and the straight cylinder relay is a piston-fork mechanism, which is equipped with a manual locking device, a signal indicating device for the position of the main valve and a signal indicating device for manual ingot input or release. Manual locking device can withstand the operating pressure of the relay, to avoid valve misoperation.
On the upper and downstream sealing ring of the ball valve, the position trip switch is set respectively. After connecting to the central control room through the circuit, the state of the sealing ring can be accurately understood, so as to operate the relayer on and off valve accurately.
The upstream of the hydraulic ball valve (main valve) is welded to the inlet pipe through the front short pipe of the valve, and the downstream is connected to the turbine volute through the expansion joint, so as to facilitate the installation and maintenance of the hydraulic ball valve (main valve) and the expansion joint adjustment.
The hydraulic ball valve (main valve) is provided with a bypass production pipeline, whose purpose is to balance the pressure at the upper and lower ends of the valve before opening the main valve, and reduce the opening and closing torque of the main valve. The by-pass valve is a hydraulic ball valve, and a manual valve is set before the hydraulic ball valve to check and repair the by-pass hydraulic ball valve.
The wedge gate valve of DN80 is arranged on the top of the telescopic joint. When the pressure steel pipe is filling water to the downstream turbine, the valve is fully open to remove air from the water surface. The manual gate valve with DN80mm and pn4.0mpa is arranged at the bottom of the ball valve and the telescopic joint degree, which is used for fully removing the dirt in the body cavity of the valve and the water in the volute during maintenance of the water turbine.
Two throttle valves are set at the two oil inlet ports of the switch of the relay, so that the opening and closing time of the valve can be adjusted according to customer requirements.

1、技术制造按 GB12237 的规定
2、检验和试验按 JB/T9092 的规定 
3、法兰尺寸按 JB79 的规定
4、结构长度按 GB12221的规定
上海中石化阀门制造有限公司是集设计研发、制造、试验、销售服务于 一体的高科技创新型阀门生产的重点骨干企业。  中石化阀门公司主要生产的产品有闸阀、球阀、蝶阀、截止阀、止回阀、 电站阀、自控阀、气瓶阀、船用阀、防腐阀、高/低温阀及特殊阀等序列; 产品按照中国GB、HG、JB,美国API、ANSI,德国DIN和日本JIS等国家标 准执行生产。本公司的技术力量雄厚,生产设备精良,检测手段齐全,严格 的体系管理,优质可靠的产品,以及不断的产品创新。使公司生产的各种材 质阀门产品广泛运用于石化、炼油、核电、化工、冶金、矿山、医药、食品、 国防、及城建等领域;并取得了各种证书和显著的业绩。  中石化阀门公司由史以来秉承现代化企业的管理模式,依托优势;遵循“和谐、务实、创新,追求无止境”的理念,坚持“质量 为本,用户至上,竭诚服务”的宗旨,视产品质量和信誉为生命。公司的目 标是做泵阀行业上专业的阀门生产供应商! 中石化阀门技术力量雄厚,现有高级工程师9名,高级职称管理人员4名,各类工程技术人员76人;企业建立了ERP管理系统,使企业信息化建设在走行业的前列。产品的设计与开发,采用我公司与行业院所共同开发的阀门设计专用软件,实现了三维造型,不仅提高了产品的开发速度,同时也提高了产品开发质量。公司现有各类主要加工和试验设备,其中新添置了金切设备,大型立车和卧式镗床,使我公司大口径阀门的生产能力大大提高。检测手段重新布局,添置了12套试验台,满足不同连接方式的阀门性能检测需要,如法兰式、对夹式、对焊连接、螺纹连接等,试验压力≤1000Kg/ c m2,建立了新的低温阀门试验室和核电阀门试验室,使产品的试验、检测更加科学完善。更新了理化、计量等设备。同时还建造了RT射线检验室,使公司同时具备RT、UT、PT、MT等无损检测的能力。
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