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1786-RPFRXL 带光纤环中继器模块的控制网中继器
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厦门雄霸电子商务有限公司·更新于2024-03-26 07:06:35·19次访问
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产品介绍详情:1786-RPFRXL 带光纤环中继器模块的控制网中继器


  1. 高可靠性:采用高质量的电子元件和抗干扰设计,能够在恶劣的环境条件下稳定工作。
  2. 模块化设计:可以与多种模块配合使用,包括光纤环中继器模块,以满足不同应用的需求。
  3. 高速数据传输:支持高速的数据传输,确保实时性要求得到满足。
  4. 确定性的网络性能:具有确定性的网络性能,可以确保数据传输的可靠性和稳定性。
  5. 易于扩展和维护:设计时考虑了扩展和维护的需求,方便用户进行故障排查、软件更新和功能扩展。
  6. 光纤环网技术:支持光纤环网技术,能够实现数据的双向传输,提高了网络的可靠性和稳定性。
  7. 兼容性强:兼容多种通信协议,如ControlNet、EtherNet/IP等,方便与其他设备进行集成和通信。



  1. 光口污染和损伤:光模块如果不使用的情况下必须盖好防尘帽,避免灰尘污染光口引起链路不通。如果光口受到污染或损伤,可能会导致链路不通,影响数据传输的稳定性。
  2. 光纤连接器端面污染或故障:光纤连接器在网络的安装、调试及维护过程中,经常会经历多次插拔,这会导致连接器端面受到污染或故障,从而影响光链路传输性能的下降,严重时会导致整个光纤链路的瘫痪。
  3. ESD(静电)损伤:静电会吸附灰尘,改变线路间的阻抗,影响光模块的功能与寿命。
  4. 使用劣质模块:劣质的光模块会存在不通、丢包、传输不稳定、光衰大等问题。
  5. 对端光模块波长、模式不匹配:光模块的波长需要在每一端进行匹配,波长不匹配可能会导致数据在传输过程中丢失。
  6. 光纤模块的金手指导电金属缺失:金手指的缺失会造成光纤模块无法正常使用。不合格光纤模块的金手指导电金属缺失,并且光泽明显不够。
  7. 中继器故障:中继器常见的故障包括不能工作、定位冲突域等,可能是由于没有接通电源、指示灯不亮、线路接口未安装牢固或存在冲突等问题导致。



The 1786-RPFRXL is a control network repeater with a fiber ring repeater module, part of the Rockwell Automation ControlNet family. The relay has a variety of features and functions for a wide range of industrial automation and control applications.

High reliability: With high-quality electronic components and anti-interference design, it can work stably under harsh environmental conditions.
Modular design: Can be used with a variety of modules, including fiber ring repeater modules, to meet the needs of different applications.
High-speed data transmission: supports high-speed data transmission to ensure that real-time requirements are met.
Deterministic network performance: Having deterministic network performance can ensure the reliability and stability of data transmission.
Easy to expand and maintain: the design takes into account the needs of expansion and maintenance, so that users can easily troubleshoot, update software and expand functions.
Optical fiber ring network technology: supports optical fiber ring network technology, which can realize two-way data transmission and improve the reliability and stability of the network.
Strong compatibility: compatible with a variety of communication protocols, such as ControlNet, EtherNet/IP, etc., to facilitate integration and communication with other devices.

In summary, the 1786-RPFRXL control network repeater with fiber ring repeater module is a device suitable for industrial automation and control applications, featuring high reliability, modular design, high-speed data transmission and so on.

The following common problems may occur with fiber ring repeater modules:

Optical port pollution and damage: Cover the optical module with dust caps when it is not in use to prevent dust from polluting the optical port and causing link failure. If the optical port is contaminated or damaged, the link may be unavailable, affecting the stability of data transmission.
Fiber connector end face pollution or failure: During the installation, commissioning, and maintenance of the network, the fiber connector often experiences multiple insertion and removal, which will cause the connector end face to be polluted or faulty, which will affect the transmission performance of the optical link, and seriously lead to the breakdown of the entire fiber link.
ESD damage: Static electricity absorbs dust, changes the impedance between circuits, and affects the function and service life of the optical module.
Use low-quality modules: Low-quality optical modules may have problems such as blocked, packet loss, unstable transmission, and large optical attenuation.
Wavelength and mode mismatch: The wavelength of the optical module must be matched on each end. Otherwise, data may be lost during transmission.
The conductive metal of the gold finger of the optical fiber module is missing: The absence of the gold finger will cause the optical fiber module to fail to work normally. The conductive metal of the gold finger of the unqualified optical fiber module is missing, and the luster is obviously not enough.
Repeater fault: Common repeater faults include that the repeater fails to work and the conflict zone is located. The fault may be caused by the power failure, off indicator, improperly installed line port, or conflict.

These problems may cause the fiber ring repeater module to fail to work properly, affecting the stability and reliability of data transmission.

其他相关热卖型号:1786-RPFRXL 带光纤环中继器模块的控制网中继器

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