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BENTLY 3500/15 127610-01 风力涡轮机
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瑞昌明盛自动化设备有限公司·更新于2024-05-12 14:36:13·40次访问
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    BENTLY 3500/15 127610-01 风力涡轮机

    1.产 品 资 料 介 绍:


    Bently Nevada 3500/15(型号127610-01)是一种用于监测风力涡轮机的振动和温度的监测模块。这种模块是Bently Nevada公司的产品,该公司专注于提供工业领域的振动监测和机械设备保护解决方案。


    1. 振动监测:该模块可以监测风力涡轮机各部件的振动情况,包括主轴、发电机等,以及叶片、轴承等关键部件的振动水平。

    2. 温度监测:除了振动监测,3500/15模块还可以监测风力涡轮机各部件的温度,包括发电机、轴承、齿轮箱等部件的温度,以确保设备正常运行。

    3. 实时监测和报警:模块能够实时监测风力涡轮机的振动和温度,一旦检测到异常情况,将触发相应的警报或停机保护,以避免进一步的损坏或事故发生。

    4. 数据记录和分析:3500/15模块通常配备有数据记录和分析功能,可以记录振动和温度数据,并对数据进行分析和趋势分析,以帮助用户了解设备的运行状况和趋势。

    5. 远程监控和诊断:该模块通常支持远程监控和诊断功能,可以通过网络或其他通信方式实时监测和管理风力涡轮机,及时发现并解决问题,减少停机时间。

    综上所述,Bently Nevada 3500/15风力涡轮机监测模块是一种专用于监测和保护风力涡轮机的重要设备,具有实时监测、报警、数据记录和远程监控等功能,有助于提高风力涡轮机的可靠性和安全性。

    1. 英文资料

    Bently Nevada 3500/15 (model 127610-01) is a monitoring module used to monitor the vibration and temperature of wind turbines. This module is a product of Bently Nevada, which focuses on providing vibration monitoring and mechanical equipment protection solutions in the industrial field.

    The following are some of the main features and functions of the 3500/15 wind turbine monitoring module:

    Vibration monitoring: This module can monitor the vibration status of various components of wind turbines, including the spindle, generator, as well as the vibration levels of key components such as blades and bearings.

    Temperature monitoring: In addition to vibration monitoring, the 3500/15 module can also monitor the temperature of various components of the wind turbine, including the generator, bearings, gearbox, and other components, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

    Real time monitoring and alarm: The module can monitor the vibration and temperature of the wind turbine in real time. Once abnormal conditions are detected, corresponding alarms or shutdown protection will be triggered to avoid further damage or accidents.

    Data recording and analysis: The 3500/15 module is usually equipped with data recording and analysis functions, which can record vibration and temperature data, and analyze and trend the data to help users understand the operation status and trends of the equipment.

    Remote monitoring and diagnosis: This module usually supports remote monitoring and diagnosis functions, which can monitor and manage wind turbines in real time through network or other communication methods, timely detect and solve problems, and reduce downtime.

    In summary, the Bently Nevada 3500/15 wind turbine monitoring module is an important equipment specifically designed for monitoring and protecting wind turbines, with real-time monitoring, alarm, data recording, and remote monitoring functions, which help improve the reliability and safety of wind turbines.

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    型号:3500/15 127610-01 风力涡轮机








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