百分零部件网>产品库>紧固件>紧固件加工设备>机床>塑料型材双轴自动水槽铣床SXC01-2 塑料型材双轴自动水槽铣床
塑料型材双轴自动水槽铣床SXC01-2 塑料型材双轴自动水槽铣床
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济南新五岳机器厂·更新于2020-11-25 15:03:06·840次访问
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1. 设备保修一年终身维修。
2. 代办火车、汽车运输。
3. 免费调试设备,培训设备操作与维修人员。
4. 免费提供门窗项目分析及建厂方案。
5. 免费提供行业信息,市场行情。
6. 重点区域提供24小时及时服务和快速的设备零配件供应

   Jinan xinwuyue machinery factory,registered in jine industral & commercial administation bureau, is dedicated to the develop-ment and demands of china building door and windw marked, The main products are hi-grade production lines of alu alloy process equipment plastics door-window prscess equipment and insrlating glass process equipment It is a modern enterise engaging in development , production , sale and service.
  Since establishment,by the aid of strong ability of scientific research advanced management and excellent staff members the enterprise keeps developing.In the spirit of ”honesty and keeping word” and pioneering an enterprise with painstaking efforts, and assiduous excellent staff member team has been gradually formed. Alu-door and window machine production department,plastics door and window machine production department and insulating glass machine production department under the factory some fifty kinds of machines of three series,which can ment deferent scale investment request.And now,the machine proucde by the factoy have been sold to twenly-two provinces,cities and autonomous regions where the service agencies have been set up.
  As a manufactuier in the industry,xinwuyue is willing to sincerely cooperate and cr-eate bright future!
  The enterprise aim of xinwuyue:”forge excellent products and honestly serve”.

As industry in professional for manufacturer,promise the XinWuYue seriously user:
1. The equipment is guaranteed the lifetime maintenance of one year.
2. Handle the train on one”s behalf, automobile transportation.
3. Design the equipment free, train the equipment to operate with maintenance personals .
4. Offer a project to the doors and windows to analyse and build manufacturer cases free.
5. Offer trade information , market conditions free.
6. Offer the 24-hour immediate service and fast equipment accessories supply in the key area.
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